Secret Galaxy

My Second Shopify App!

collage of blue based images from secret galaxy
Video Walkthrough

Focus is Key for a One Product Shop


About the Project

A one product website, means that we had to build everything with the galaxy box in mind. We want a viewer to be thinking about the galaxy box from all perspectives on the website. That meant keeping it clean and simple with no distractions, only the amazing views the box could create.

There was also a new feature that had to be added, an affiliate link. In the store front for the Galaxy box we had to suggest LED strips, but then not allow the customer to buy the LED strips within the shop. Instead the customer wanted a link to an affiliate. In this case the affiliate only sold on Amazon so that is the link that was provided.


11 March 2022

My Role

The task was to create an entire website for only one product. The website had to appropriately showcase that product, showcasing the Galaxy Box. The only caveat was that there had to be a suggestion link in the store that pulled up another product, LED Strips. This product would not be purchasable, instead it would have a link to an affiliate store.

Device Gallery

Mobile First



Desktop Display


Instagram Link

Affiliate Link!

Make More Money With Affiliates

Place an affiliate product in your shop.

  • Send traffic to an affiliate.

  • Do it in a clean easy way.

  • Make money when your affiliate makes money.